Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What to do.

So my oldest son goes to middle school next year and we have been struggling with what to do about school for a while. The middle school he is supposed to go to scores 20 points below JCPS and state averages. Not good. So I am bound and determined to get him into another school. JCPS has a magnet and advanced program that you can apply to. We can pick two schools that we want to apply to. Adam had to take the AP test and missed it by 2 points. So his 1st choice is out for this year. We will try again next year. We are still waiting to hear from his second choice school. In the mean time we are looking for Private Schools. We are also looking at the fact that we may need to move. Because of the No Child Left Behind Act, they are giving us the option to send him to a virtual middle school. Not sure I like the sound of that. I am just frustrated at the school system. My sister goes to the school Adam is supposed to go to, and I haven't seen any changes for the better. If Adam doesn't get into his second choice our hands are tied. I wouldn't be so frustrated if I saw that the school system was doing something to improve his home school or all JCPS schools. I just had to vent a little.


ChasedMyDream said...

I am praying for Highland!!

MamaSeal said...

I know how you feel and my son is only in Kindergarten! Lucky for us my parents live in the school zone that we wanted so as far as our school system is concerned he lives with my parents.