Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lots to update you on.

So Friday Adam had a wrestling scrimmage. This was the first time Adam and I got to see him wrestle. So my patents, my nieces, and Will and Lexi joined us to see Adam in action. As soon as I saw the first match, I was nervous. It was more aggressive than I expected. There was a lot of throwing around, and loud thumps. Made momma nervous. So when they called Adam's name, he walked out onto the mat, and took his position. Then it was on. It went so fast, and so slow at the same time. We were all cheering for him. I am not really sure of the rules, I need to learn about that. Alex yelled out, "Adam don't concentrate on anything but this!" It was so cute. They wrestled for 6 minutes, and then at the end, the ref raised Adam's hand signaling that he won the match. I was cheesin from ear to ear. This is Adam's first experience with School sports. I took a video with my phone, and I am working on uploading that to my blog. But until then, here are some pics. Adam was in grey. I walked over and told Adam how good he did, and some of his friends asked if I was his sister!! I am telling you, that was the best compliment I have received in a long time.
As we walked to the car, Alex told us, that if anyone hurt his brother, when he gets bigger he will beat them up.

Saturday, we froze!
I set it up so that we could have family pics taken outside on Saturday. Well, it was freezing cold. We went to the KFC Building here in Louisville. They have a pretty park, and apparently it if for there employees, because as we were wrapping up, security came and kicked us out. At least we got out pics done. But like I said, it was cold. Outside pics in November, wasn't my best idea ever.

Rockin around the Christmas tree.
Saturday night, I met my friend Erin at Garden Ridge, and we shopped for Christmas ornaments for my tree. We have a fun family tree with colored lights, and all kids of ornaments. But I have always wanted a theme tree. So we went with a peacock theme, because I love the colors in peacock feathers. Well I got it home, and the peacock stuff didn't look very christmasy, so I took those back, and went with black, white, and silver. And it is beautiful. I love it. Very elegant. Here are some pics.

Thankful for..
This morning Alex showed me a paper he made at school.

If you can't see it, he is thankful for his Family, Friends and God. And he drew God with a Big heart.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

I've taken pictures @ KFC - next time do it Sunday afternoon, there's NO one there!