Thursday, October 29, 2009

Appreciate Your Calling

So I just got the book, Starting Your Day Right, a devotion book by Joyce Meyers and I love it. I find that it gives me focus in the morning and reminds me to be the best me I can. In the book she starts by saying that the book isn’t a replacement for Gods Word, but that the book is to give you direction and to remind you that you need to have God clearly insight in order to follow him. If we don’t fill ourselves with the Word, how do we know how to follow him? I have to admit that I don’t spend as much time in the Word as I should. So I have been using this book to help me focus, and really get in the Word rather than just reading threw it.

Here is some of the devotion for October 26th.
Appreciate Your Calling

So we, numerous as we are, are only body in Christ (the Messiah) and individually we are parts of another [mutually dependent on one another]. Romans 12:5

Learn to appreciate the call of God on your life. He has a different call for everybody. None of us are called to do all the work that needs to be done, but we can each enjoy the assignments given. We can also enjoy the work God does through others.

Today holds an opportunity to mature in the knowledge of God and to enjoy whatever God has called you to-do. Your part is needed. Ask God early in the day to show you where to use your gifts to help others.

When I read this it reminded me of the Ministry I am involved in at church. And really applies to all ministry. We are all ministers of the word. As the devotion says, God hasn’t called one-person to-do it all. Take the First Impressions Ministry for example. God has called a group of men and women to work together. Some have been called to serve as Greeters, Ushers or at Vision Central; others have been called to serve in Security or the Parking Team. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Lately I had to admit I couldn’t do something. This was a great learning experience for me. Even thought I lead up the First Impression Ministry, it doesn’t mean I have to know everything, or have the ability to do it all. I have my own strengths, and I have weaknesses. God has put people in the First Impressions Ministry who have strengths were my weaknesses are. We work together. Like Romans 12:5 says, So we, numerous as we are, are only body in Christ and individually we are parts of another. This applies to ministries within the church. Some of us are called to minister to children. It’s not a competition of who has the most volunteers in your ministry. We should all want to help each other find what our calling is. When we find our calling, the body comes together as one, and works like a well-oiled machine, so to speak. This applies to churches as well. If we are trying to reach the lost, and share the Word with those who don’t know Jesus; it can’t be one church, it has to be all of us. It’s not a competition. We can enjoy the work he does through others as well.

God also does this in our lives. He puts people in our lives, and we balance out each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Enjoy and press on with what God has called you today. If you don’t know what your calling is, pray, give and serve, and pray, give and serve, and follow his word. If you are faithful and follow him in all the ways he asks you to, he will bless you and reveal your calling when the time is right. Your part is needed. The body can’t function as 100% without and arm or a leg. Are you the arm or leg? We need you. I am needed! Look at your neighbor and say, "I am needed!" Sorry couldn't resist, lol.

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