Monday, July 7, 2008

"Praise Me" HE said

A friend of mine told me I should blog about this so here goes.

If you have read my blog you know that June 18th, 2003 Adam was in a car accident and his friend died. Every June 18th we visit the cemetery. We took the boys with us this year. Little Adam remembers the accident, but Alex doesn't because he was only 1 year old. We talked about Bernie while we stood in front of the grave stone covered in flowers and Angels. We answered the boys questions. And we kissed our hands and placed our hands on the stone. As we prepared to leave I heard God say, "Praise Me". It was so strong in my spirit. So I asked Adam and the boys if they wanted to pray. So we stood in a circle, held hands and prayed. We thanked God for each day we have together. We thanked him for saving Adam that day. We gave him praise, because he has a plan beyond our understanding. We miss Bernie but we leave all understanding to him and we trust him and praise him in the midst of the pain and sorrow. This is the first time we have stood outside our home and prayed other than to bless food. This was a huge step for us as a family. I thank God for how we have grown and to continue to grow in our faith and in our relationship with God as a family. We have been apart of NVMC for 3 years and before that we didn't attend church, we didn't pray together, we didn't understand what it meant to have a relationship with God. We don't have full understanding and I know we never will, that is not meant for us, but we do have Faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

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