Monday, March 3, 2008

What a weekend

I had a great weekend. Friday my mom and I Joined some ladies from Church at the Church of God Women's Conference in Lexington. We had a great time. It is called a Fresh Encounter, and the theme this year was Blessed 2 Bless. I was truly blessed, and want to be a blessing to others.

I am so glad that my mom was able to go with me this year. She works so hard, with work, going to school full time, and being involved at church, that she very rarely get the chance to take time for herself. I was blessed to have this time with my mom.

We had fun shopping, and I got the sassiest Green Purse. I like green (its the only color that doesn't clash with my hair).

Service that night was great. The message: Come out with your hands up. She said something that still is with me. Too many times we hand something over to God, only to take it back right before he is about to bless us. We miss our blessing and the opportunity to let God take care of that thing we handed over to him. Come out with your hands up, an act of surrendering.

That night, I got to hang out with some of the ladies, and really bonded. I love getting a chance to get to know people. I was blessed to have the time with these ladies, and look forward to getting to know them more.

The next morning was a slow go after staying up until 3am talking. Remember, I am shy, but once I get to know you a little, I can talk! Saturday morning a few of us bonded over Starbucks. I was really blessed by Starbucks after that late night. Lol

The services that morning were right on. Is there anyone in the church that can still prophecy? She talked to us about the power of the tongue. We need to watch what we speak. There is great power in our words. We need to speak good things over ourselves, our children, our Husband, our friends and our church. Pam, Becky and I were actually talking about this that morning before service. God we hear you. This speaker also said something that hit me in my gut. She was talking about praying for others. People we don't even know. We need to take this seriously. I pray for my boys, I may pray for my boys like no one else will pray for them. Think about the kids who don't have a mom or dad, they have no one praying for them. You may be the only one praying for that person. Wow. I think of my husband, my boys, and my family. What if I am the only one praying for them, and I don't pray.

This weekend was great, I laughed, cried, cried some more, and laughed again. It felt good.

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