Last month the boys asked how I would know if I was going to have a baby. So I told them about the pregnancy tests. They would ask me all the time, "Mommy, have you peed on that thing yet?", and I would tell them that we weren't having a baby yet.
Well this month I have been testing to see when I would ovulate. On Tuesday I got an positive Ovulation test, and I forgot and left it on the bathroom counter. Little Adam came into the living room, and said, "Mom, I think we have a good surprise". Almost like he wasn't sure if it was a good surprise or not. I asked him what it was, and he said, "that thing in there has two lines, so I think your pregnant". I didn't now what to say at first, I didn't want to explain Ovulating, so I told him that it is supposed to have a positive sign if I am pregnant.
So when we test, I am going to have to get a pregnancy test that give a positive sign, or he won't believe it.